Television... Internet... Mobile devices
We are surrounded by continuous video marketing

Video Marketing
Video is no longer an "up-and-coming" marketing tactic -- it's here, and it's a powerful way to communicate your brand, explain the value of your product or service, and build relationships with your customers and prospects.
Do NOT overlook this vital marketing tool.
Did you know…?
Google polled thousands of random surfers 18-40 years of age and found that 78% said that video was far more influential to their buying decision than static pages.
Landing Page
Negative Impact
Organic Traffic
Google LOVES videos! Obviously, the largest video site on the Internet is YouTube, which just so happens to be owned by Google. But did you know you can use YouTube and other major video sites to effectively help with your Internet marketing and SEO?

You can also use your videos for a myriad of other video marketing campaigns including Google. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can produce a professional-looking video yourself. You are way further off leaving it to the professionals. You video marketing is a reflection of your business so do NOT skimp out on the production of your video.
Video advertising and marketing is all around us - On TV and everywhere on the Internet, whether you're on a PC or mobile device. Video has become a vital part of the innovative ways to grab people's attention.
Make sure you include video in your online marketing.
YouTube Views
Mobile Views
For more mind-blowing video marketing stats check this out.
Alcon Video and Cheap Commercials
Alcon Media has two sister sites devoted to producing killer promo videos and video marketing spots - Alcon Video and Cheap Commercials.
Go check out what they can do for you.